NERO Projects H10 Rocket Technical specialists |
The H10 Rocket - Technical specialists |
Frans den Boer
High frequency (transmitters), Mechanics, Pyrotechnics.

Leo de Bolster
Penta Motors, Hybrid Motors, Rocket Motors, Walking around, looking (but not driving)
Jeroen Brinkman
Project management, Sponsoring, NERO website, Finn sanding and not being polite when
deadlines are missed.
Iliya Cerjak
Designing, designing and more very good designing, violin cases with striking content.
Lambert Everts
Transmitters, gyroscopes and 65+ facilities.
Jos van Hertroij
Chemistry, Electronics and dreaming about
disassembling fighter jets.
Henk Hofstra
Smart Sensors, Smart thinking, Radar guided guns and ballistic calculations.
Stijn Rammeloo
Programming, car driving and car driving
Jan-Willem Schmidt
Mechanics, instrument maker extra-ordinaire, specialist in production- and demolition
Laurens van Vliet
Rocket architecture, Flight and trajectory calculations, Crashing (flying) saucers.