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NERO Pictures Pictures H10

Pictures H10

1 Components
a H10a
On this page you'll find the pictures of the H10 project.




Components H10  [Top] [Contents]

The making of components on a CNC milling machine.

The milling of the parachute compartment
Static testing of the pilot-parachute for the altitude record. The parachute hatch with the pyrotechnical bold is clearly visible. This pilot-parachute must be suited for use in high altitude situations with very low air pressure.
The first test failed, the parachute bag was ripped and the parachute was not released out of the bag. This can be seen on this photograph. A later test with a modified release bag and parachute hatch was a success.

 FSK modulator for the modulation of the data in the sound channel of the video transmitter.

 Filter section of the sound channel demodulator

 Test stand for the HF modulator for the downlink transmitter

 Detail photo of the test stand

 Reception of the unfiltered modulator signal

 Intermediate result of the HF-receiver

 Reception of the modulated video signal (2,4425 GHz.)
The Main Flight Processor print (MFP)




H10a  [Top] [Contents]

Folding the parachutes of the H10a

The folded parachute from the H10a with the spinner, that prevents the lines being wind up when the parachute spins.

The H10a being prepared.

The H10a and H11d and new Penta Delta motor for the second stage.

Sliding the H10a in the launch tower..



Adjusting the launchrail.

Preparing the rocket.
i-picture.gif (1292 bytes) download
Poster H10a. Download a high resolution picture from the flying H10a.

Launch pictures of the H10a (very beautiful).





The smoke trail from the H10a, clearly visible is the abrupt change of direction.

The H10a after the crash.


The deblocking device, after the crash.

A view in the electronic compartment, after the crash.
